Saturday 9 July 2011

mint and coriander chuntey

This the easiest recipe and good for lots of other receipes, its like the base receipe. This can be made and stored in ur freezer  for a very long time and can defrosted and use it as when required

Ingredients -
Mint - 1 bunch
coriander - 1 bunch
ginger - 1 inch
Jeera - 1 table spoon
Chatmasala - 1 table spoon
Dry Mango powder - 1 Table spoon
Green chillies - 4-5 (as per your taste)
lemon - 1 whole (squeeze )
salt - to taste

Method -
Mix all the ingredients that are mentioned above and grind them to a smooth paste.
Be careful while adding salt because chat masala contains salt.
After its grounded to a smooth paste, store in a air tight container and freeze it immediately.
Take it out as when required and use it variuos receipes that i will be posting shortly

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